Performance Anxiety

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Do you find yourself overwhelmed by nerves before an important presentation, audition, or exam?

Have you noticed a pattern of avoidance or procrastination when faced with tasks that trigger anxiety about performance?

Are you or someone you care about struggling with the pressure to perform in various aspects of life?

Performance anxiety, also known as stage fright, is more common than you might think. It can affect anyone, from children facing school presentations to professionals delivering speeches. Here's how it might be showing up in your life:

  • For Children: Performance anxiety in children may surface during school performances, oral presentations, or sports events.
  • For Teens: Adolescents may experience performance anxiety in social situations, academic exams, or extracurricular activities. 
  • For Adults: Professionals may encounter performance anxiety in public speaking engagements, job interviews, or high-stakes meetings. 
  • For Students: Performance anxiety can significantly impact academic performance, leading to fear of failure and avoidance of challenging tasks. 

Here are some common symptoms of performance anxiety: 

  • Rapid heartbeat 
  • Shaking or trembling 
  • Sweating excessively 
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing 
  • Nausea or stomach discomfort 
  • Feeling lightheaded or dizzy 
  • Muscle tension or stiffness 
  • Dry mouth or throat 
  • Difficulty concentrating 
  • Racing thoughts or mind going blank 
  • Negative self-talk or self-doubt 
  • Avoidance behaviors (e.g., procrastination, withdrawing from social situations) 
  • Fear of embarrassment or humiliation 
  • Hyperventilation 
  • Panic attacks (in severe cases)

These symptoms can vary in intensity and may occur in anticipation of or during performance situations, impacting an individual's ability to perform to their full potential. 

Therapy can help you conquer performance anxiety by:

  • Identifying Triggers: Pinpoint what sets off your anxiety.
  • Building Coping Skills: Learn techniques like deep breathing and visualization.
  • Challenging Negative Thoughts: Replace them with self-compassion.
  • Gradual Exposure: Ease into feared situations with guidance.

Our collaborative holistic approach integrates evidence-based therapies, including cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based techniques, and somatic experiencing, tailored to address the unique needs of each individual.  At our clinic, we are committed to helping you break free from the grip of performance anxiety and reclaim your joy in living fully. Contact us today to embark your journey toward confidence, resilience, and self-expression 

Performance anxiety doesn't have to steal the spotlight—

therapy offers effective strategies to take back control and shine.